SquassabiaVerona furniture and design

Address and telephone numbers

Via Stradone 13
Roncolevà di Trevenzuolo – VR
Tel. 0039/045 7350041
Fax. 0039/045 7350624
email info@squassabia.com

Opening hours

Monday: 15.00-19.30
From Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00-12.30 / 15.00-19.30

Showroom philosophy

Squassabia furniture and design – VERONA

This is the historical Showroom of the Group. The exhibition area reaches about 4,500 square meters along with the Headquarters, the Logistic Warehouse and the Head Offices of the whole Group.

Midway between Mantua and Verona the showroom combines the most recent news coming from the design world with more classical ideas for a more traditional style.

Come to our shop
