Area InMantua furniture and design

Address and telephone numbers

S.S. Cisa 137 – Porto Mantovano – MN
Tel. 0039/0376 398097 – 0039/0376 398098

Opening hours

On monday: 15.00-19.30
From Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00-12.30 / 15.00-19.30

Showroom philosophy

It is the most impressive showroom of the Group, one of the largest in Northern Italy. It extends over 6,000 square meters where all the main Italian and International design brands can be found.

Its close location to Mantua, combined with the richness of its offer, makes it a remarkable point of attraction for the provinces of North Emilia, which can easily be connecetd to the city thanks to the Brenner highway.

Come to our shop
